Delivery Instruction

VDA 4905 Detailed description of VDA 4905 message used for EDI between Brose Sitech and suppliers. English version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]
VDA 4905 Detailed description of VDA 4905 message used for EDI between Brose Sitech and suppliers. German version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]

Dispatch Advice

VDA 4913 Detailed description of VDA 4913 message used for EDI between Brose Sitech and suppliers. English version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]
PACKAGE STRUCTURES IN VDA4913 (VW Group) Detailed description of package structures and succession of records in VDA4913 (VW Group) message used for EDI between VW Group incl. Brose Sitech and suppliers. English version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]
VDA 4913 Detailed description of VDA 4913 message used for EDI between Brose Sitech and suppliers. German version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]
PACKAGE STRUCTURES IN VDA4913 (VW Group) Detailed description of package structures and succession of records in VDA4913 (VW Group) message used for EDI between VW Group incl. Brose Sitech and suppliers. German version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]

Transport Label OTL

ODETTE TRANSPORT LABEL 1.4 - VDA4902 / 4 Detailed description of the transport label used by Brose Sitech. English version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]
ODETTE TRANSPORT LABEL 1.4 - VDA4902 / 4 Detailed description of the transport label used by Brose Sitech. German version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]


VDA4938 Global INVOIC 1.3 (VW Group) - Detailed description of the outbound or incoming credit notes used by Brose Sitech. English version [DOWNLOAD .PDF]

VW Group

VW Group []